Experience superior performance with the right tyres for your agricultural vehicle. Speak to Paul and the expert team at Manjimup Tyre Mart & Auto Electrical Services for high-quality agricultural tyres and services that can make a real difference in your vehicle's performance. Let us help you find the perfect tyres to maximize your agricultural vehicle's potential. Contact us now to learn more or schedule an appointment.
To give you a heads up, we recommend three tyres: Tractor, Implements, Forklift / Skidsteer & Earthmoving.
BKT Row Crop RT955
AGRIMAX RT 955 is a BKT radial tire for row crop applications, while some sizes are also suitable for spraying.
BKT AW 702
AW 702 has been developed for implement machinery and trailers in soil tillage and transport applications.
BKT Farm Implement I1
I-1 has been designed for field and road transport as well as for soil tillage operations with implement machinery and trailers.
Ready to take your agricultural vehicle to the next level?
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Contact Information
Phone: 08 9771 1311
Email: info@manjimuptyremart.com.au
Address: 142 Giblett St,
Manjimup, WA, 6258
ABN: 54122583340